Walsh's connection proves U.S., Russia and Jesuits all working together to promote genocide and
control both sides of war
If the Vatican and Jesuits are not up to their eyeballs in provoking wars and creating general chaos worldwide, then why did Georgetown Jesuit priest, Edmund A. Walsh, handpick and place mass murderer Joseph Stalin into power? If Walsh wasn't a kingpin in the New World Order, how could he have the power to use American money to fund Russian communism? How could he have had the power to handpick FDR and Eisenhower to push a phony, controlled World War II onto the American people? How could Walsh, the creator of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, have had the power to act as chief consultant to the Nuremburg trial judges in order to keep the Jesuits and Vatican connection to the Nazis out of the public record as well as ensuring some prominent Nazis were never convicted? If Walsh was only a harmless school teacher as depicted by the Jesuits, how come he was instrumental in establishing diplomatic relations for the US Government in Baghdad way back in 1931? How come he personally assisted Plutarco Elías Calles in the formation of the National Revolutionary Party (PNR), ensuring the security and primacy of the Catholic Church in Mexican politics and the party – an alliance that remains unbroken to this day? Of course, all these important questions have never been answered by U.S. leaders and the Vatican. Why? Because it would show, beyond a reasonable doubt, the two entities are working together to destroy America from within and have been doing it for a very, very long time.
Furthermore, a good way to get the "other side of the story", since the Jesuits and U.S. leaders aren't talking, is to take a close look at Walsh's connections to Stalin, FDR and Eisenhower, profiles kept out the public record but compiled by truth-seeking researchers, most importantly, Frank O'Collins, author of "The Almanac of Evil".
Before looking at the profiles of these men, it is also interesting to note the Jesuit connection to Stalin and communism is also seen from Stalin's own words in a little known letter written to the Politburo in 1934.
In the letter Stalin wants to keep the Jesuit name out of the Bolshevik newspaper and tells the leaders to be wary and not to print an article by Engels because it refers, in part, to the Jesuits.
Here is the quote by Engels which Stalin warns must be kept out of the Bolshevik:
"Foreign policy," Engels states, "is unquestionably in the realm in which tsarism is very, very strong. Russian diplomacy constitutes a new kind of Jesuit Order, which is powerful enough to overcome, when necessary, even the tsar's whims and, while spreading corruption far beyond itself, is capable of stopping corruption in its own midst."
*) mick: "Georgetown University, the real White House, should be closed, shut down and point blank used to house the homeless in Washington DC. The homeless, indigent and poor by the way created by the inside manipulators and real U.S. policy makers of the hidden American agenda – the jolly boys of Loyola better known as the Society (corrupters) of Jesus.
All kidding aside, this group heading up Georgetown is downright nasty, downright diabolical.
You say, I am exaggerating? Well, punch me! And, you bet, I will hit back with so many Jesuit factual blows to your fragile ego and mistaken belief system Don King will hire me in a New York minute.
But for you fragile readers, you readers still holding on to a thread of American hope: go shake a hickory stick with Jackson (not Michael) and hedge your bets on Barry Obama. Now, we could off on a huge tirade about Jackson, Andrew that is, owning slaves, killing Native Americans but my what a good man he was to save us from a central banking system! We could go off on Obama's – whatever – but we will come back to the same old American hypocritical system that's existed ever since George "Bush" Washington became the first dishonorable head of this country. Yes, that's right "Bush Washington" and hit me for that one too!
Hit me because I believe the first George was just as much in bed with the Jesuits as the second George and the third George, and just the same as Obama is in bed with the Pope, as we speak. Now, knowing what's going on in the Vatican, some people might take that literally but don't say you heard it from me! Heard what, you say?
Well, tell them you heard this to make things clear: Tell them I said Georgetown should be closed down because one its former professors had close ties, used U.S. money power and brought to power the big killer Joe "The Jesuit" Stalin or better known in inner circles as Fr. Joseph Stalin SJ.
Quite a statement but so, so true it will make your eyeballs spin once you realize it can be proven.
Here is the beginning on how it can be done and I give you the first clue before giving you some hidden facts: First, like a good little American, go to one of our other traitor Presidents websites and look for the eulogy he paid to Jesuit Fr. Edmund Walsh. The President is Ike (Eisenhower), the phony. After you do find that, read this:"
Now here is a look at the profiles of four of the most evil men in history, three of whom are publicly admired in America as great men:
An American Jesuit Catholic priest, professor of geopolitics and founder of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, which he founded in 1919 – six years before the U.S. Foreign Service itself existed – and served as its first dean. His motivation for doing so came as a result of his experiences at the Versailles Conference of 1919. In 1922, Jesuit Superior General Ledóchowski appointed Walsh to negotiate with Lenin in Russia to provide emergency financial assistance on the provision that Joseph Stalin SJ was appointed to oversee the day to day operations of the nation. The mission was given the public name Papal Famine Relief Mission with little aid reaching starving Russians, but towards building military and financial infrastructure. In the middle 1920's Walsh was instrumental in the constant upheaval in Mexico having a direct hand in the assassination of several revolutionaries including Álvaro Obregón. In 1929, Walsh then personally assisted Plutarco Elías Calles in the formation of the National Revolutionary Party (PNR) ensuring the security and primacy of the Catholic Church in Mexican politics and the party – an alliance that remains unbroken to this day.
In 1931, Walsh was instrumental in establishing diplomatic relations for the US Government in Baghdad.
One of his most important and influential appointments was as "consultant" to the U.S. Chief of Counsel at the Nuremberg Trials (1945-1946). It was Walsh who was instrumental in ensuring the heavily occult focused symbolism and activities of the Nazis were never recorded into the trials, even though every single defendant wore dozens of occult symbols on their uniforms and participated in occult related ceremonies.
Walsh also ensured that the key involvement of the Catholic Church was striken from the official record, with accounts of Catholic priests at concentration camps, regular meetings with Cardinals, Bishops and the Nazis destroyed or suppressed and absolutely no mention of Jesuit involvement. Walsh also ensured a number of prominent Nazis were excluded from the Nuremberg Trials, none more than Karl Haushofer (1869-1946) – German General, geopolitical theorist and political architect of the Nazi political philosophy. Haushofer more than any other German political thinker influenced Hitler and the Nazis in their European political outlook.
Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (December 18, 1878 – March 5, 1953), better known by his adopted name, Joseph Stalin (stalin meaning "made of steel". Josef was born to influential Catholic parents Vissarion "Beso" Dzhugashvili and Ekaterina "Keke" Geladze. His father Beso was a successful and relatively wealthy local businessman. However, in later biographies, he is variously described as poor, dirt poor and a violent alcoholic. Whatever the real truth, Josef was accepted into the Catholic Cappuchin run school at Gori.
He graduated in 1892 first in his class and at the age of 14 he was accepted to enter the "Orthodox" Seminary of Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia), a Jesuit institution to be trained as a Jesuit priest. In spite of contrary history written about the Jesuit run seminary, the Jesuits remained in Russian territory after the order was banned by Alexander I in 1820, maintaining control of several institutions, including the Seminary of Tiflis. Stalin himself openly admitted the Jesuit control of the institution in his famous interview with Jewish Journalist Emil Ludwig (Cohen):
At Tiflis, Stalin's closest friend was fellow classmate Krikor Bedros Aghajanian, the future Grégoire-Pierre Cardinal Agagianian, a powerful and ruthless Catholic cardinal who went on to control the death camps in Siberia under Stalin's rule. While accounts of his time at Tiflis have been changed many times, it is universally accepted that Stalin was the star pupil of the seminary.Ludwig) What impelled you to become an oppositionist?
Was it, perhaps, bad treatment by your parents?
Stalin) No. My parents were uneducated, but they did not treat me badly by any means. But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending. In protest against the outrageous regime and the Jesuitical methods prevalent at the seminary, I was ready to become, and actually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism as a really revolutionary teaching.
Ludwig) But do you not admit that the Jesuits have good points?
Stalin) Yes, they are systematic and persevering in working to achieve sordid ends but their principal method is spying, prying, worming their way into people's souls and outraging their feelings.
What good can there be in that?
For instance, the spying in the hostel. At nine o'clock the bell rings for morning tea, we go to the dining-room, and when we return to our rooms we find that meantime a search has been made and all our chests have been ransacked ... What good point can there be in that?
As a result, the events of 1899 remain shrouded in mystery. In the final week of his studies, having completed seven years as the star pupil of the Jesuits, Stalin is variously claimed to have quit or been expelled. Neither account adequately explains how a seminary student of seven years suddenly appeared influential and active in coordinating the Georgian Social-Democratic movement less than 12 months later – an achievement that could not possibly have happened without substantial support.
The more credible and controversial conclusion is that Stalin did graduate from the Jesuit Seminary as a proper Jesuit priest, with his first assignment being to infiltrate and manage the Georgian underground against the Russian Tsarist Government. Again, the fact that Stalin was awarded an academic position at the Tiflis Observatory gives credence to his Jesuit credentials and completed study.
His double life as a secret leader of the May day uprising of 1901 less than two years from graduating from the Jesuit seminary attests to his skill as a key Jesuit agent. After avoiding capture by the Tsarist Secret Police (Okhrana), Stalin fled to Batumi where he was hidden in safety by the Rothschilds via one of their oil refineries located there. In 1902, when authorities learnt of his hiding place, the local Cossacks were ordered to capture him.
However, the oil workers rallied behind Stalin with a number killed and arrested along with Stalin. Later this whole event was turned into Stalin rather than remaining in hiding, organizing a strike and arson against the oil refinery – all of which defies common sense of his circumstances. In 1903, Stalin was exiled to Siberia for three years. However, a few months later the Jesuits managed to get false papers to the prison camp and free Stalin, who returned to Tiflis on January 4, 1904. His new orders from the Jesuits was to start an underground paper called Credo, denouncing international Marxist ideology of Lenin in favour of the Facist Social-Democratic model of Roman Catholicism. Once the Russo-Japanese War started in February 1904, Stalin was active across Georgia in organizing resistance and focused attacks against the Mensheivik breakaway faction of the communists.
In January 9, 1905, Stalin succeeded in starting the spark his masters had requested by successfully arranging a mass demonstration of workers with communist and anti-Tsarist banners in Baku. He then secretly alerted the Cossacks that the demonstration was an armed rebellion. The Cossacks reacted as expected and killed several hundred demonstrators thus sparking the Russian Revolution of 1905. During the following months, Stalin excelled as guerilla leader in maintaining the rebellion across Georgia. Yet the movement never gained critical mass and Stalin was ordered to redirect his efforts to infiltrating the top echelon of the Bolsheviks.
In December 1905, Stalin secured a meeting with Lenin, but failed to gain his trust and endorsement and returned to Tiflis, effectively a free agent. In February 1906, to prove his credentials to the Bolsheviks, Stalin arranged for the assassination of General Griaznoff. He also continued to stage bank robberies and extortions, sending the money through to the Bolsheviks as proof of his trustworthiness. These events were enough to force Lenin to permit Stalin to attend the Socialist Democratic Party meeting in London in 1907. After returning to Georgia, Stalin was again arrested in March 25, 1908.
He was sentenced to two years in exile in Siberia, but after seven months, the Jesuit influence within the Tsarist Government enabled his escape by February 1909. Around the exact same time, the Bolsheiviks were on the verge of extinction in account of their leaders in prison or exile and a lack of new recuits and funds.
Stalin called for a reconciliation with the Menshevik faction which Lenin opposed. Stalin then called for a major witchunt to weed out alleged double-agents. A number of key Lenin supporters and intelligentsia were hounded out and some murdered – later records revealing none were traitors.
Stalin was again arrested in 1910 and again in 1913 for four years. In the wake of the February Revolution in 1917, Stalin was released from prison and moved to Saint Petersburg and promptly founded the Pravda, the official Bolshevik newspaper with substantial finances and equipment that arrived virtually overnight while Lenin and the rest of the leadership were still in exile. The Pravda became a major tool of the revolution and Lenin was forced to include Stalin in senior committees on account of the power and influence of Pravda.
Lenin like most of the Bolsheviks regarded Stalin as a double agent of the Jesuits.
Their most visible proof was the fact that Stalin had escaped death in prison and the extraordinary and unprecedented leniency given to him by the Tsarist Government – when agitators found guilty of a fraction of the actions of Stalin had been brutally tortured and killed. While the escapes and "near misses" are recorded about the life of Stalin, the fact that he was apparently the "luckiest revolutionary" of the 20th Century is not discussed. By 1922, the Bolsheviks had won the Civil War, but left the whole country broke.
The Rothschilds and the American Jesuit Bankers on Wall Street made a simple offer – they would help fund and bail out the new Soviet Union, providing Stalin was given a key role.
Thus on April 3, 1922, Stalin was made General Secretary of the Central Commitee, a post hew subsequently grew to become the most powerful. In spite of his position, Lenin still sought to thwart the influence of Stalin and in December 1923 it came to a head with Lenin planning to have Stalin finally eliminated.
In January 1924, Jesuit Superior General Wlodimir Ledóchowski gave the order to Stalin allowing him to kill Lenin and on January 21, 1924, Lenin was poisoned to death at the age of 53.
To quell any rumours of foul play, Stalin published retractions in Pravda against "allegations" that never existed such as Lenin had been mentally unwell and that he even died from Syphilis.
From this point on, Stalin was the most powerful and undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union. One of the earliest acts of Stalin was to begin the outlawing of the Russian Orthodox Church, allowing seized thousands of churches and schools to be handed over to the Catholic Church – a highly controversal program that has largely been unreported even to this day. By 1939, the Russian Orthodox Church was all but extinct. Of the other persecutions, the Ukraine and deportation of Jews is also infamous under his reign in which tens of millions perished. But what is rarely if ever published is that the Head of the Death Camps of Siberia was none other than Catholic Cardinal Gregory Agagianian, his former classmate at the Jesuit Seminary of Tiflis.